Saturday, April 21, 2012

Braided styles

I saw a style on allthingscuteandgirly and I decided to attempt it. I co-washed her hair and gave her a cholesterol treatment. Greased her scalp with Isoplus Hair and Scalp treatment and did a high ear to ear part.I used ORS Smooth n Hold Pudding and braided the top portion all the way to the ends and twisted them together, using rubberbands to prevent unravelling.Then I did five big braids in the back portion, brought the ends together and tucked them under. The same was did with the ends for the top.


Thursday, April 19, 2012

Quick Style

I did this style a few weeks back, everyone was tired and Nae had a field trip to the zoo. Her hair was clean from a wash the night before. I gave her two hairline braids and I parted her hair down the middle and did rather big cornrows going towards the middle leaving the ends out. When both sides were completed I joined the opposite cornrows with a rubberband and two strand twisted the ends piggybacking the way down.


All together I think this probably took about 30 minutes the most.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Braided Two strand twist

I gave Nae a cowash today because she had a little fun in the pool and also because her twists were a little wimpy looking. I cowashed with HE Totally twisted and sprayed her hair with the African Pride Soothing Braid spray and did two braids on either side. 

Quick and simple!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Two Strand Twists with Braided Hairline

Thursday night I decided to try two strand twists in her hair for the first time. Her hair was previously in sister twists from Monday but I co-washed them and....well, I wont co-wash sister twist again.

So I co-washed her hair with HE Totally Twisted and Dove Damage Therapy and let it sit for a while.

She got a real good moisture boost from the co-wash. I washed it out, blotted her hair with a towel and applied some Isoplus Hair and Scalp Treatment to her scalp and Isoplus Herbal hair food to her hair. I got to the twisting using ORS Smooth N Hold Pudding and kept twisting until I reached her hairline. Made two braids going down and I was complete.

The bottom two pictures are two day old pictures, I moisturized with African Pride Dream Kids Soothing Moisturizing Braid Spray.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

My first post.

Hello hair blog world!

So after a year of lurking on and learning from my favorite hair blogs, and discovering new ones along the way, I've decided to join you guys.

I have two AWESOME kids, Synae 5 & Dalane 9 months, this blog is about me learning how to properly care and grow their natural hair. Wish me luck!